by Leesure Assurance Brokers Admin | Jun 30, 2023 | Blog
South Africa may be marketed as “sunny South Africa” but our winters can be very cold, and we sometimes even have snowfalls in high-lying areas. Here are some essential checks that should be done to keep your property and your loved ones safe during the winter. Stay...
by Leesure Assurance Brokers Admin | Jun 30, 2023 | Blog
Our youth are the future of this country, and we need to help them make the most of their talents whenever and wherever we can. We need to develop a generation of young people who can really make a difference to the wider community as well. Safire focuses on investing...
by Leesure Assurance Brokers Admin | Jun 28, 2023 | Blog
South African women reach retirement with just 71% of men’s wealth The gender wealth gap in South Africa is wider than the global average, and senior female leaders fare worse. A new global study from WTW, a leading global advisory, broking and solutions company,...
by Leesure Assurance Brokers Admin | Jun 28, 2023 | Blog
During a recent workshop, someone asked: “If a loved one is diagnosed with a medical condition for which new (proven) ground-breaking treatment is available in another country, would you willingly give up your life’s savings for your loved one to undergo the...
by Leesure Assurance Brokers Admin | May 31, 2023 | Blog
A counterfeit card is a card that is “manufactured” fraudulently and not genuinely issued by a bank. Criminals manufacture counterfeit cards using compromised card data. Generally, stolen bank cards or other cards with a magnetic strip are encoded with the...
by Leesure Assurance Brokers Admin | May 31, 2023 | Blog
It’s a reality of life in South Africa – we have to accept that being without a reliable, 24/7 electricity supply is part of our everyday existence and it may be this way for a while. However, as a nation we are resilient and resourceful, and known for ‘making a...